Your employees have a lot of knowledge in their heads. You want to extract it and turn it into a shared resource for the company. So you set up social tools like blogs and wikis and podcasting to give employees platforms for authoring their own content to share what they know and what they are...
Doug Miles presented Content Sharing and Processing in a Cloud and Mobile World
In a world with endless connected content, sharing information about best practices will be a snap
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The most likely reason for non-adoption is that no one is taking the initiative. 22% don’t want their content shared around. 16% are confused by the options and pace of change
Whether intentional due to regulatory constraints, or unintentional do to a lack organizational sharing, this is an area of opportunity to increase efficiencies, reduce content redundancy, and maximize the benefits of content sharing. Start Here One of the first things to do is to catalog the cases your organization is dealing with, across the enterprise
Using machine learning and the data captured through social interactions, Delve offers a personalized view of an end user’s content, organized by content currently accessed, by content shared by team members, or by learning from end-user activities
And within those social work spaces, I see the use of wikis for the freeform production of content, shared document environments with RSS to signal the arrival of new content and the use of blogs and discussion boards that allow unregulated authorship
Content Updates - How will clients be informed about content changes and how it may impact them? Content Sharing - How will clients make important information available to other clients?
Communities, microblogging, wikis, blogs, content sharing, folksonomy—all of these (and more) have allowed consumer tools like Facebook and LinkedIn to enable informal socializing among geographically dispersed people for years now
unstructured content grows at a higher rate than structured #ecmjam | +1 thevarnish #ecmjam - Still relevant. More content, shared in more ways, all growing exponentially
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