Some people believe that this shift, this consumerization of IT, is “ killing ” IT departments—stealing their power by turning them into order takers who are scrambling to manage the haphazard IT initiatives sprouting up around the enterprise rather than focus on strategic plans
We’ve all heard about and read numerous articles on how the consumerization of IT is contributing to a revolution in the workplace
I went into the CIP thinking I knew social media well, but the area that it changed my thinking was in terms of how social media relates to the context of enterprise information assets. The consumerization of IT and mobile technologies are another area that records managers need to have a seat at the table for
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The only bad cloud or mobile environment for records and information is the one that is not governed. The consumerization of IT is making business more efficient and we need to team up with them to make the most of the resources they have available
I love the Microsoft empowering commercial because in one sense it shows where our organizations are with the consumerization of IT. Employees today are becoming IT experts and f inding new and more efficient ways to use technology, whether it be via the cloud, their own mobile device or different collaboration resources
In this sense Yammer was leading the way in the Consumerization of IT (COIT)
” In the past no one would fault a RIM staff for managing the risk they know. With the consumerization of IT and many end users gaining greater and greater technological proficiency there are more information related risks in the work place then our predecessors could have imagined
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For example, a taxonomy is not built once and then never reexamined, but the requirements of our users and information flows need to revisited and revised as necessary. With the consumerization of IT information might be created and stored in formats never used before so it is important to know how the BYOD policy is meeting their needs and ensuring they are not bypassing security policies by using public cloud sources for collaboration
" or "What are the top 10 strategies for optimizing my BYOD strategy for the consumerization of IT fanatics in my org?
Also, becoming a CIP will help me to keep my skills current and competitive with all of the new tools that are coming into the enterprise via the consumerization of IT.” I expected him to act slighted, but instead, with special twinkle in his eye, he patted my head and told me that a better bridge between IT and business is the best Christmas gift any information professional could desire for their organization
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