“According to Microsoft market research, 78 percent of the Fortune 500 companies are SharePoint users.” With such an impressive user base, it’s easy to recognize SharePoint as an essential business tool used within most organizations today. When it comes to compliance the...
#InformationGovernance #information governance #AIIM14 #sharepoint #compliance #office365 #SharePoint #Yammer
So to learn about how you can turn your SharePoint deployment into piggy number 3's house - download the report for free at http://www.aiim.org/Research-and-Publications/Research/AIIM-White-Papers/SharePoint-Security . #SharePoint #Compliance #Security #Hisoftware #InformationGovernance #3rd party add-on #BusinessProcessManagement #truesecurity #Collaboration #sharepoint
#RiskManagement #Collaboration #Collaboration #sharepoint #SharePoint #compliance #DataSecurity
Drop a note here in the comments #Catastrophe #Document #Management #DR #SharePoint #compliance #content #Risk #ContentGoveernance #Megatrends #microsoft #InformationGovernance #sharepoint #Disaster #legal #records #Mitigation #Recovery
Like a stock trader who has purchased a “put” on a stock in hopes the stock value will decrease, I continue to see articles and blogs every now and then asking questions and making statements on doubts about how long SharePoint can remain dominant or how it will adopt to the ever...
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
In the meantime, keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as your applications move to the sky! #SharePoint #compliance #LegacyData #Migration #DataSecurity #Collaboration #cloud
Document management and records management sound very much alike, don’t you think? However, they are two different organizational techniques that can be used separately or together to help business practices. Knowing the difference between document and records management helps...
7 Comments - This is difficult if your documents and records are not centralized - to read more: http://www.convergepoint.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-consider-sharepoint-compliance
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