Digital Signatures: We’re Open, They’re Closed In a prior column , I referred to “Open standard digital signature technology...What do open standards for digital signatures mean for you?
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CIO, director, manager, etc.) and is applicable to both private and public sector organizations seeking ways to improve efficiency and data transparency. Going the open-standards route is logical if an entity plans to properly deploy a large-scale IT solution
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I moderated a panel discussion on the unique challenges of non-profits when deploying a web CMS, as well as presenting on the topic of open standards as a driver for business. The “Open Standards and Open Source Mean Open for Business” slides are now available on SlideShare
We connect you with industry-leading partners like Alfresco for ECM and Ephesoft for Intelligent Document Capture to deliver the benefits of open source and open standards. Contact 5525 Central Ave, Ste. 200 Boulder, Colorado 80301 United States #Analytics #Collaboration #Consulting #ContentServices #IntelligentCapture #ProcessServices #RecordsManagement #Search #LeadershipCouncilMember
The law, courts, and your lawyers worry about disputes, not about the 99.99% of agreements that proceed amicably. Open, standard digital signatures give both signers and relying parties superb defenses anytime there is a dispute
The LTFS Launch Richmond and his then manager were pushing to move the LTFS specification into the open source space through the Linear Tape-Open (LTO) (a consortium of technology companies seeking to develop open standards for linear tape). With the many proprietary formats for tape that exist, Richmond and his manager pushed for LTFS to be moved towards an open standard, believing that companies would be less willing to buy into LTFS if it were released as a proprietary format since it would force those companies to work exclusively with IBM
CMIS and its inevitability With an increase in complex structures through which enterprise content is managed, open standards like CMIS is the only way through which these challenges can be addressed
Standard digital signatures with hardware-protected certificates and self-signed organizational certificates This is a very good system since it provides you with the power and trust of open standard digital signatures
” No. Open standard digital signature technology (we'll talk more in the future about what that really means) is modeled after traditional pen and ink signature technology, including signature authenticity issues
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The most important characteristics of digital signatures are the following: They are based on open, standards-based technology They are integrated with standard directory systems (AD, others) They have productized integration with desktop applications (like MS Office), ECM systems, workflow and BPM tools, mobile devices, and other applications They can address both document-centric and data-centric signature applications I’ve obviously just scratched the surface here
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