I was speaking with a potential client who said that one of their procurement problems was that project costs tended to grow and once started on the upward spiral, they were hard to control. I asked if they wrote RFPs and were there adequate specifications in the RFP? His answer was, “I...
Many SharePoint ECM projects fail not because the technology implementation was flawed or the business process did not provide the desired enhancements, but because the end users found ways around the system. SharePoint ECM projects suffer from the ‘It was easier before’ syndrome
As per Gartner Research Vice President Tony Bell "more than 50 percent of large Enterprise Content Management (ECM) projects fail if less than six months are spent on vendor choice and planning
Reading around the information on the AIIM website, there are some very scary statistics around ECM projects. The one that stands out, is that over 50% of ECM projects are not successful
When I first ventured into ECM projects in the GCC , I was driven by the theory of project management from the “West”, borrowing plenty from the PMP and Prince2 schools of thought
When I attended the AIIM ECM Master class, I was amazed at the similarity between the ECM project plan and the typical systems development project plan
AIIM suggests that planning is everything in a successful ECM project. So we have a well planned project; we have thought through our requirements, hired external consultants, chosen the implementation partners, and are going to test the new system out on a pilot set of users
This means that the user is an essential part of the any ECM project and should be heard. In my view, the end user is one of the most essential members of an ECM project team for it is from the end user we will learn how things really get done and how it could be made better
After some time has passed and a few failed ECM projects later the organization, with good intentions, starts to look for something new...this time, the project will be successful!
Our most recent SharePoint ECM project also happens to be our most ambitious
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