It presents a set of theoretical models that represent many aspects of digital preservation from representation of information through metadata to functions and processes that are needed in digital preservation
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In my last blog post I talked about the collapse of an offsite record storage location in the DC suburbs. Even though tragedies like this happen, it does not mean that electronic records is the route to go to have the most secure storage for records. For physical records it may take...
We often share links to interesting articles, white papers, blog posts, and we have similar interests in the challenges of digital preservation. In 2009, she wrote a piece for her university archives community blog
About Our people truly have a passion for what we do and this is backed by the authority of our nearly 30 years’ industry knowledge. Our expertise supports both physical records and digital information, including document storage, scanning and capture solutions, automated accounts payable...
" While pursuing the degree I really took an interest in digital libraries and long term digital preservation. Being poor, the first job I accepted was for a government contractor as a traditional processing archivist
About Information is the lifeblood of the enterprise and it must be managed to ensure compliance, security, and usability. It is one of your most valuable assets, and yet it grows at an unmanageable rate. The continuous expansion of the digital workplace makes it almost impossible to...
About Xenit Solutions (“Xenit”) was founded in February 2007, since then we have become a dominant player in Europe and in the field of Intelligent Information Management (IIM), a practice that integrates people, processes, information, and technology to achieve digital transformation. ...
She teaches courses in Enterprise Content Management and Digital Preservation. She is a Certified Archivist, Certified Records Manager, Information Governance Professional, and Certified Information Governance Officer
05-25-2022 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
He holds a graduate degree in Library Science and while obtaining that degree he performed independent studies in implementing digitization projects and an independent reading on long-term digital preservation. In July 2012 Jeff was chosen as an AIIM member of the week and spotlighted as an “Evolving Records Manager
His areas of expertise include electronic records management, digital preservation, email management, and social business processes and technologies
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