As the saying goes, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”; TAR is also called Machine Assisted Review (MAR), Computer Assisted Review (CAR), Predictive Coding, Concept Search, or Meaning-based computing: all of which are marketing terms without any specific scientific meaning Carla says: Being in the search business for too many years to count I have seen the focus on enterprise search as an organizational priority ebb and flow. For years it was all the rage and then...
For example, an administrator could run a concept search query across an entire data set of millions of files and automatically redact any content that matches the search parameters
Early Case Assessment with the right type of exploratory search techniques (text and content analytics, fuzzy, wildcard, faceted, proximity, quorum, concept search, data visualization, relevance ranking and many other tools, see also: ) Web based Legal Review and redaction tools for 3 rd parties Legal Production tools that are capable to generate the main legal review formats
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