Earlier this year I completed an assessment of Alfresco for a university client. The university licensed Alfresco several years ago and did not have much success. They hired me to find out why, and what to do about it. The options they wanted to look at were to continue on with Alfresco or...
You’re out of your mind if you think blocking access to file sharing services is filling a security gap. You’re out of your mind if you think making people jump through hoops like Citrix and VPNs to get at content is secure. You’re out of your mind if you think putting stuff in the cloud is...
Over the past several months our knowledge management team has entertained some potential suitors to piece together the far-flung resources of a global engineering organization. Our Proof of Concept (or PoC) has centered on the adoption of competing enterprise search providers to help unify our...
I am seeing a change in the way CMS solutions are being conceptualized and are being implemented. Some of the key observations from my experiences with customers, partners and consumers: CIO (IT) and CMO (Marketing) organizations are conceptualizing the needs (not necessarily the...
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If you're someone who's paid to help your organization work smarter, odds are you get invited to lots of trade shows and conferences. Here legions of knowledge professionals are encouraged to spend down their training and travel budgets for the exhibit booths and break-out sessions of...
Oh, Records colleagues: I have two very easy reads that will only help you create a folder hierarchy in your electronic records and information management software. Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense and Approach to Web Usability” and “Rocket Surgery...
Psst ... hey ... yeah you. You social engineers getting certified in Business Facebook applications! Remember what-you-see-is-what-you-get? Probably not unless reinventing yourself for a living is measured in decades. For you digital natives I'm describing how dinosaurs like...
It hardly seems worth the fuss? If all firewall-dwelling professionals did in the information-seeking moments of their work days was to consume content, why bother with firewalls? After all, after hours when we leave our real jobs we beat our networking wings in order to swell the...
Several months ago, I wrote about how we had begun working to improve the user experience in SharePoint. I ranted about some of the things I don’t like, some of the things our users don’t like and I mentioned some of the things we were planning to do to improve the situation. Earlier...
Earlier this year, I met Jill Hart at BZ Media’s iPhone/iPad DevCon East in Boston. Jill is a usability consultant, and is a passionate expert on the subject of User Experience. When I first met Jill, she had just joined two friends and me to unwind after long day of educational sessions,...
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