By Carla Mulley: I recently wrote a blog regarding the use of social tools and the challenges of adoption versus training. A tantalizing social study I recently ran across was conducted the Pew Research Center in conjunction with Rutgers University in New Jersey. According to this...
Mankinis really do enter into this; be patient. I’ve been active on Twitter for 4 or so years now. Initially using my own account for work ( @bduhon ) then creating an AIIM account to represent the AIIM Community (initially @AIIMcommunity until I realized I could save a few...
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Here is my personal social media dashboard: What makes this more interesting, is that I monitor this for fun . Yep, you read that right. Around the office, I’m known as a social media junkie. In fact during a recent fire alarm, I was told to “evacuate before...
The signs are unmistakable. Tagging is how we keep our priorities straight and even how we define the contours of our online profiles. Labeling the buckets is finally out of the shadows. These are not closet organizers. These are our virtual neighbors who don’t manage information for a living....
I had an interesting discussion last week about social media and governance. The person's perspective was that his organization didn't have to worry about social media governance because his IT team blocks the more common services like Facebook, Twitter, etc. at the firewall. Let me lay...
Over the last year there have been a number of reports of employers asking their employees to disclose social media passwords as part of ongoing monitoring of acceptable usage or inappropriate behavior. Other reports have surfaced regarding potential employers asking prospective employees to...
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I’m always on the lookout for cool integrations that help users get the most of out their content in the cloud. One of the most interesting tools I’ve come across is Wappwolf, which allows you to connect services like Flickr, Twitter, Evernote, and Slideshare to Box, Dropbox, and GDrive. When...
Twitter, MySpace, Chatter, Jive, Facebook, Foursquare, Yammer, LinkedIn, Google, Yelp... there are SO many social networks and tools in the ecosystem that focusing your attention on just a few can seem overwhelming. Here is some pragmatic advice on how you can be a social business superstar. ...
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate has been talking a lot about Twitter lately. As reported by FierceGovernmentIT , he recently told attendees at Tech@State that by monitoring what’s being said by people using social media during a disaster, emergency...
Many Twitter users use URL shorteners to, well, shorten URLs. It's not uncommon for URLs to be beastly things, barely human-readable, and often near or in excess of the 140-character Twitter limit by themselves. URL shorteners have been around for a number of years, from the venerable shrinkster...
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