If you wish to take your business online, then you will have know the right tactics when it comes to creating online content. The saying “content is king” may sound more like a cliché, but it is still very important as before when it was first introduced to assist in the...
With all the current hype about cloud deployments, it is sometimes difficult to understand what are the real-world implications of choosing such a technology to deploy enterprise services. What are the common pitfalls and what are the best practices that will help you successfully install a...
Native and web mobile applications are becoming quite popular, yet they are still a relatively young technology, that needs to mature in terms of governance. As of now, smartphones and tablets are becoming quite the norm on a daily use basis, and the technology and products are maturing quickly....
Before I joined Laserfiche, I worked at an IT research and consulting firm in the Boston area. Each year, we put on a number of educational workshops. There are two things in particular that I remember about these events: We put toys on the table. There was a ridiculous...
Throughout my years in the Document Management Industry, I kept hearing about how great the quality of the images were, but did anyone actually verify the quality? Many vendors talked about how their software can automate the quality assurance process by implementing various processes while...
During the last few projects of scanning engineering drawings, there have been subtle reminders about some techniques I learned over 15 years ago. Whether you are a service bureau or doing a project in-house, I find this one simple task to keep your images in control, no matter the size of the...
Last week I had the fortunate opportunity to work Fred Pagoni from Colortrac, a colleague for over 15 years. We have both been involved in the “large format” industry. It’s amazing that with so much experience how you can still teach each other about the tricks and tips. We all find...
Ever hear the phrase “Drive for Show, Putt for Dough?” It’s time-honored sports cliche that refers to the oohs and ahhs that a huge golf drive off the tee will elicit from the crowd. However, despite all the attention a big drive gets and hundreds of dollars a good driver costs, that shot is...
Here are some tips to streamline the relationship issues with customers and vendors as they creep up during the implementation of enterprise software and technology projects. We try to put all of these in practice at LincWare as often as possible. Oh, and we’ve earned a 100%...
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