Everyone likes to use metadata for doing searching, sorting and filtering, but not many of us like to fill in metadata. Expecting that your users will fill in a large number of metadata would be naïve, unless for some very specific cases. Forcing the metadata upon them has the...
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We all now that we should use standard SharePoint as much as possible. But we tend to forget all the reasons why. Below are all 8 reasons I came accross in practise. And two reasons why customizing is sometimes inevitable. Applying only OOTB functionality has the following advantages: ...
My father served in Vietnam in the earliest days of the war. Only a few years out of West Point, my dad advised the South Vietnamese Army on the latest military tactics to use against the Communist forces from the North. One of my father’s primary missions was supporting the defoliation...
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Very few people outside of the Department of Defense have more firsthand experience with the DoD 5015.2 Electronic Records Management Software Applications Design Criteria Standard than I do. I first began working with the Standard in the late 90s when I was hired as consultant for a small...
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While there is a lot of freely available information online related to electronic document naming conventions, most (if not all) of these best practices and guidelines come from educational institutions, governments, records and information management organizations, and other non-profit/public...
You may be wondering what the status of MoReq2010 is, and when teh next vesion will appear. So am I. Nobody is saying. The finished MoReq2010 was promised for the end of 2010. But it has not appeared. What has appeared is a consultation draft (published at http:/...
MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at http://contribute2moreq.eu MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements...
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