Consumer driven technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that it is hard for corporations and their diverse employee populations to all understand and agree on how technology can best enable the flow of knowledge and collaboration that leads to innovative thinking. Generational differences and a wide variety of comfort levels with technology impact the pace of internal change and the ability to roll out new tools quickly and effectively
Social technology is a trending priority among IT organizations who are beginning to test drive multiple tools both in the cloud and internally
What is the intersection between new, social technologies and the established practice of internal communications? Why discuss technology with internal communications people?...The answer, I think, is because technology is not an end in itself
The results were significant. 79% of organizations actively use social business technologies and only 6% specifically discourage its use
Social collaboration technologies are often described as being disruptors in the enterprise, but do they really fit that definition?
Just because the technology has the halo and the hype of the social enterprise, doesn't mean the solution is secure, it doesn't mean it's compliant, and it doesn't mean it integrates well with existing technology investments
I predict that four disruptive technologies, mnemonically labeled the “S.M.A.C. Stack” [Social, Mobile, Analytics/Big Data, and the Cloud] will shape the next competitive cycle. These technologies need to be understood, mastered, and deployed to maximum effect
Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Thornton May's presented his keynote: Reboot Your Thinking - Don't Blow your (S.M.A.C.)
In 2014 I am on a mission, to separate the need for technology from the technology itself
1 Comment - " separate the need for technology from the technology itself" is a philosophical stance and I'm keen to see how this unfolds!
Many times I have heard stories of how an organization will introduce technology and expect it will be used
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