No, social media governance is not an oxymoron...And yet it still has to be done - if you have any doubts that your or your organization's social media is discoverable or falls under existing regulatory requirements let me put that to rest
Here's a list of some of the social media governance resources I have found useful
Specially coming together with Social Media, and even more when I saw it called out as its secret weapon!
Ever since we started talking about Social Media the discussion about culture and how to get workers to use the technologies in a meaningful manner has been ongoing as well
No, this is not about conformist behavior, pushback from the Facebook IPO, or the superficial nature of social media. This is the cost of doing human business from here on in and it is non-negotiable
We hear a lot today about how social media is having an impact on our lives
The following post I wrote is also featured on The explosion of social media has been nothing but a phenomenon
A common mistake in social media governance is having a policy for the different types of social media instead of being broad enough to cover all platforms in one policy
Social Media has emerged as one of the most significant technological concepts in the last decade...Social Media is being increasingly leveraged by local governments and is changing the way governments work and socialize
I had an interesting discussion last week about social media and governance. The person's perspective was that his organization didn't have to worry about social media governance because his IT team blocks the more common services like Facebook, Twitter, etc. at the firewall
2 Comments - As IT Director for a Media Monitoring (Print/TV/Social) company I can simply say that a "ride" together with the user could be an option too. An introduction of a Social Media Policy for employees is a good step into this direction from my point of view
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