Take my role as an evangelist: how do you adequately and accurately measure the success of my influence? Traditional models will look at the first customer touch point, or possibly the last, and attribute significant weight to the sales, once made
The article was posted right in the midst of an online conversation I was having via Twitter and Yammer on whether current social influence measurement tools (Klout, Kred, PeerIndex, etc.) could appropriately weight the value of that social influence, separating, for example, the activities of someone who simply sits on Twitter all day versus someone who is a subject-matter expert (SME) and is viewed as highly influential inside (or outside) an organization
" But that would limit your view of the influence they might have on people outside of those teams. An operations team member might have very little influence on sales, but have very strong influence of the support organization
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While the HBR article does not necessarily discourage readers from limiting all personal networking that does not provide some degree of professional return ("sorry sis, these conversations are not helping my business grow"), by only focusing on the professional aspects of your networking activity, you may close yourself off from different perspectives and from a healthier form of "network renewal" where you are able to constantly reassess and refresh the influences and ideas that constantly shape you. Limiting your influences may cause some of the very same myopic tendencies the authors identify
Experiment with the help of your internal influencers, and iterate on your strategy. Social tools are a wonderful resource for helping an organization to figure out where your internal communities and collaboration are thriving -- and hurting. Tap into your influencers and try to better understand what makes them tick, and see what can be replicated from their successes
#measurement #socialnetworking #management2.0 #social #influence #socialCRM #automation
We have entered a time when people meet you online first and in person second, and what they learn about you online can greatly influence how that person perceives you
It's all available here: AIIM.org Research Thanks again to the sponsors who allow this valuable survey work to continue to grow in influence. #AIIMBuzz #DigitizationofProcess #sharepoint #SocialBusiness #SharePoint #AIIMResearch #ScanningandCapture
We make recommendations based on experiences, provide feedback based on ideas that may be ours or may come from people who influence us, and connect with others in ways that sometimes make no sense (we went to kindergarten together, we both love the 80's band Kajagoogoo, we both collect urinal cakes shaped in the image of Kim Jong Il)
With mobile technologies like smart phones blurring the lines between work and home, it’s not long before our personal habits influence our work M.O
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