Social enterprise is dead. Long live the digital workplace!...Employees’ eyes glaze over — they think social enterprise tools will be one more thing they have to do and don’t see how it will benefit them
As a visitor to AIIM's Enterprise 2.0 community your interest in E2.0 is clear
I wanted to discuss how you can utilize some of the addons (known as components, modules and plugins) for Joomla to develop an Enterprise 2.0 environment that you have complete control over
But the good news is that the technologies of Enterprise 2.0 have made it easier than ever...Enterprise 1.0 had one hierarchy, the one where you report up to your manager, who reports to his, and so on and so on
Understanding these changes in how people think about their enterprise applications may help you to evolve your thinking about how to deploy or transform your SharePoint platform. Within the context of SharePoint are the building blocks of an enterprise social informatics shift, helping you to shape your environment to meet the needs of your evolving end users: metadata and taxonomy, service applications, social computing features, and the first steps into mobile
It is more than a week without a new article on Enterprise 2.0, collaboration, enterprise social networking, corporate social business, etc
The consulting firm Booz | Allen | Hamilton gets a lot of well deserved attention for their use of Enterprise 2.0 to extend the usefulness of their intranet , Hello.bah. They're mainstays at the Enterprise 2.0 conferences and one of the great success stories
They assume everything should look and work like the latest consumer-based platforms -- and to some degree, IMO the platforms we use in the enterprise *should* look and work like the consumer tools we use for our personal collaboration. But use of "collaboration tools inside the enterprise" does not equal "enterprise collaboration tools
Additionally, the challenge is to ensure that enterprise social collaboration addresses the business benefits of the organization and provides substantial ROI without sacrificing the sometimes business-divergent social needs of the users
Frustrated with clunky enterprise technology, when they regularly use intuitive tools such as Facebook and Twitter at home, employees are now selecting technology that enables them to get a job done
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