I’ve just returned from another great, high-energy and exciting LegalTech conference in New York. I love that show! Large crowds of old and new friends, and incredible buzz. There was no shortage of software solutions that could be deployed either in-house or in the cloud, but the...
There is no doubt that transportation companies know how to move materials in an efficient and expeditious manner, but moving freight also requires moving information. Since this is their business focus and principal source of revenue it stands to reason that many transportation companies have...
We have Black Gold. We have Sovereign Wealth Funds. We are Rich. We also have regulations, some... Bahrain and Qatar have good financial regulations. Abu Dhabi has better health regulations. Dubai has more focus on Trade. Above all this looms the Sheikhdom who may pardon, modify or even...
**Views expressed in this blog are my personal views and not those of my employer. Any reference to any living person or organisation, past or present, is entirely co-incidental** As any blogger is allowed to do, let me play devil’s advocate for a moment. We may think we speak...
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“The only thing a man takes to his grave is his Knowledge. Acquire when alive, distribute before death.” ~ Late K. A. Abu Backer, my grandfather and a high school Math teacher. If not in his true sense, the fossils and historical tombs like the Pyramids have surely carried with...
Here we go again, another state agency, this time in New Hampshire, has raised the challenge of email management and was highlighted in the May 9, 2010 post on the UnionLeader.com . In this article, we are shown that there is what appears to be a major discrepancy and inconsistency in the...
This week I was faced with one of the harsh realities of life, death. My uncle unexpectedly passed away and I, along with my wife, accompanied my mother to the services. All in all it was a very fitting tribute to his life which included a career in the military highlighted by the Honors...
Is it ever going to be possible to manage emails as records? I’m beginning to wonder. There are at least five viewpoints regarding the purpose, value, threat and burden of email, each with its own set of concerns, parameters and possible solutions. With new, cheap SaaS email offerings...
If you have ever attended one of my classes or heard me speak at an event, one of the things you will consistently hear is my mantra about practice. In ECM, BPM, ERM or whatever segment you wish to discuss, the bottom line is you cannot drop technology into place and leave it. The introduction...
**Views expressed in this blog are my personal views and not those of my employer. Any reference to any living person or organisation, past or present, is entirely co-incidental** When they realised technology alone was never going to be the answer it was too late…. So, the...
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