The answer is ….. Records Management Software! Top 5 Key “Must Have” Records Management Software Features Integrated View of both physical and electronic content in one interface
In a three-part post we are looking at the role of metrics in demonstrating the value of RM, specifically in organizations that have implemented an electronic records management system. In our final post today we focus on important EDRMS metrics that every organization should monitor. In our last post we outlined a process to help you arrive at the best metrics to track the success of your records management program . As we pointed out, each organization has unique goals and therefore requires a unique set of metrics to measure the value of its RM program. However, no matter what your unique goals may be, there are several categories of metrics that every organization should monitor if they are using an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS)
If an office wants to go to paperless or if they are creating electronic records at a rapid rate it is inevitable that their records management practices will become decentralized
Alan Linden Senior Technical Consultant EID Inc. Records management and text analytics - a powerful marriage for ECM Thursday, March 21 10:00 Text analytics may be the best kept secret in our industry
There is however very little being done to effectively garner and archive this information. Unlike the management of physical documents through electronic records management regulations (US DoD 5015.2, VERS etc) and tools, there is hardly any precedence in social media record management
In a three-part post we are looking at the role of metrics in demonstrating the value of RM, specifically in organizations that have implemented an electronic records management system. In this post we outline a four-step process to arriving at the right metrics. While an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) is a great addition to any records management department, it almost always comes with a catch. Senior management will demand evidence of ROI before too long, and in many cases, they will also expect greater proof of the value of the records management program as a whole
This kind of software allows records managers to track and store records in a wide variety of formats, including: Imaged documents...When selecting a records management system, there are two important certifications to consider: DoD 5015.2 and VERS
Thinking about moving to the cloud or establishing a cloud information management system can be both exciting and nerve racking
This must be done for all software including the Windows operating system, the complete Microsoft suite of products, full Adobe Acrobat, Quicken Home and Business, Norton’s Internet Security/Utilities, photo/music management/editing applications, backup utilities, etc. etc
This may be coming true with respect to software systems capable of full featured management of paper records. Acquisitions in recent years by ECM vendors of ERM software companies whose products also provided paper records management functions have seldom resulted in any significant new functionality being developed to manage the vast volumes of paper records that swamp organizations
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