Why Prepare? The average total organizational cost of a data breach in the United States in 2015 was $6.8 million. [1] In 2016 alone, over 3,000 publicly disclosed data breaches have occurred so far, representing more than 2.2 billion compromised records. [2] In addition to the upfront...
A Vodafone UK survey conducted among the Information and Communication Technology teams at public sector organizations across the country threw some pretty interesting results. According to the report, 80% of the public sector officials were interested in implementing BYOD (Bring...
I attended three ARMA meetings last week and guess what topic all of them focused on? You guessed it, Information Governance. It is the hottest topic in the records management space today. If you look up the term information governance on Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information...
You may be wondering what the status of MoReq2010 is, and when teh next vesion will appear. So am I. Nobody is saying. The finished MoReq2010 was promised for the end of 2010. But it has not appeared. What has appeared is a consultation draft (published at http:/...
MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at http://contribute2moreq.eu MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements...
Websites have become an integral part of every modern organization, including the government. Every day, a constant stream of information is being posted on the web. For government, every data published is considered as a Public Record, which by law should be retained and disclosed to the...
My name is Mark Mandel, and I am the Public Records Administrator for the District of Columbia. This position is the Chief Records Officer and also the State Archivist for the District. The District is a unique government organization. It includes organizations and agencies you would find...
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