MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements for the management of electronic records. The MoReq2010 project seeks make MoReq more flexible and scalable and better able address industry specialisation
It is the hottest topic in the records management space today...As with most organizations today, records management was viewed as a cost and not a benefit
Public Records Laws, though it may differ per state, also mandates that public records be subjected to records management procedures and regulations issued by the state. This involves records retention and implementation of necessary safeguards against loss of records. For this reason, it is critical for government organizations to deploy electronic records archiving solutions to comply with these obligations
My name is Mark Mandel, and I am the Public Records Administrator for the District of Columbia. This position is the Chief Records Officer and also the State Archivist for the District
Getting it right, and getting the records management community to agree it is right, is more important than getting it done quickly
The average total organizational cost of a data breach in the United States in 2015 was $6.8 million. [1] In 2016 alone, over 3,000 publicly disclosed data breaches have occurred so far, representing more than 2.2 billion compromised records. [2] In addition to the upfront expenses, the damage to an organization’s reputation and goodwill can be immense and long-lasting, potentially presenting an existential risk to its future
While remote security solutions offer intrusion prevention and firewall services to organizations, data theft from local records may be prevented through cloud-based data encryption services that prevent public sector employees from creating illegal back-ups of public sector data
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