What exactly is: "Social in the Flow”? Of course, you’ve heard of social business by now
The firm had become hardier, and more robust. There was flow! I will be unavailable until the beginning of November, but when I return we will touch upon Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of process flow and study Kouzes & Posner’s Practice # 4: Enabling Others to Act – Principle 1: Foster Collaboration
First you have to understand the flow of your process throughout the organization...One of the best approaches to this is to develop a process map and document not only the flow but each step within the process and the content and information related to that step
The new AIIM Industry W atch report entitled "Social in the Flow" takes a deep dive into one of the sides of social tools/networks/business that tends to be somewhat overlooked - how social integrates to existing into business and it's processes
Improved business processes help speed information flow through the organization
Our SharePoint 2010 deployment is designed to steer clear of that undesired outcome by honoring innovators and respecting process flows. In balancing that equation here are a couple of starting gates for SharePoint architects and ECM managers to consider: Open up an in-bound email link from your Exchange Server to your SharePoint discussion boards
Understanding the various “touch” and “point” touch points (so to speak) is very helpful in mapping an organization’s content flow. Surprisingly, high value content to one department is often found languishing unheeded (untouched) just around the corner in another; mapping the touch points will help ferret it out
We are moving into an era in which we really need skills to help manage the ‘I’ part – the information that actually flows through those pipes that we have created
Hence, hub and spoke works nicely as the contract initiator controls the flow of the contract, getting the appropriate approval, all the while retaining good visibility and control over the process. 4
The ability to capture and process information from multiple channels is another key attribute of adaptive case management applications - “content variety is a key aspect of case management…particularly social media can be a particular concern not just in communicating with a younger customers but also in disasters and insurance claims incidents where customers may be disconnected” The AIIM study concludes that “At the end of the day it is not what the system is called but whether it offers the functionality required to support case management” The following attributes for effective implementation of adaptive case management solutions may be useful to consider: Open and extensible to support processing of data from multiple channels – paper, fax, email, XML data streams, voice, social media sources; Work with multiple input capture application and OCR engines; Embrace process and human centric workflows; Integrate with multiple transactional systems, content and archival repositories; Handle large volumes of content and data in a multi tenancy and shared services environments Support the development of new process flows using intuitive graphical design tools; Orchestrate between disparate applications and provide real time reporting and analysis of key performance metrics to ensure SLAs are met
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