One of the best parts of participating in the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) sessions is the opportunity to discuss big ideas and, let's be honest -- to also dig into rumor and speculation about what we'll see in the near (and distant) future from the major platform and OEM players that make...
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Late last week, Cheryl McKinnon tweeted an InfoWorld article about how IT is about to lose its seat at the table . Meanwhile, over on John Mancini’s great Digital Landfill blog , Lubor Ptacek predicted that 2013 will be the year that IT will Strike Back. I’m with Lubor. In my...
Well here we are in 2011, not only a new year but a new decade and I wish for all of you, the very best for the future. The entering of a new year brings about many things. We hear resolutions being made and pundit predictions of all sorts ranging from the state of world affairs to technology....
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