I give credit to Bob Larrivee (our instructor) and my ECM classmates for helping me to understand the concept of getting more out of your content than its single intended purpose
1 Comment - For the record; that pretty much IS a buzzword in marketing/content marketing these days
Cloud Content Management (CCM) is such a new subject that at the time I wrote this post there is not a Wikipedia entry for CCM...Box was championing the term in order to differentiate traditional ECM from Content Management, File Sharing and Collaboration in the cloud
As a technical person, I have to spend quite some time reading about new technologies, either by accessing content posted on the internet or by purchasing books
What is the key difference between Mobile Content Management & “normal” Content Management?
Join us on September 1 from 11-Noon EST for a tweet jam focused on how ECM enables mobile content. If you "went" to the last one, you know how this works, skip down to the questions
Increasingly, users are asking for access to content repositories from mobile devices, such as phones and iPads...Our prediction is huge on both questions. Enabling content for mobile access is critical
He is currently responsible for all marketing aspects of Accellion’s enterprise content integration solutions...Duhon: How do you combine BYOD and secure access to content? Is that a technology or a policy issue?
Only a few years ago the idea of mobile content management was a novelty; today it is mainstream. Social media tools like Facebook push that even further when over half of their communications are via mobile devices. Mobile content management generally comes in three flavors: accessing content remotely, managing content that is in the public infrastructure, and capturing information while mobile
That a lot of rogue content access!...Content on mobile devices – If an employees mobile device is lost or stolen or an employee is terminated, can company content be wiped?
Accessing content from mobile is certainly an undeniable trend as the proliferation of these devices continues within business organizations, as well as for personal use...Frankly, contributing content from mobile has been challenging, if not impossible
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