What if we approached litigation exposure as a cost equation rather than a risk equation?
But in doing so, we’re cheating ourselves out of cost optimization. A disk with the highest read-writes for active content is a poor home for long-term records, many of which can be stored on disks under high compression. The Answer You want to provide all global users with fast access times to SharePoint content, but still maximize cost of your infrastructure
” Chadha, Director of Strategic Solutions at HP, talked about the skyrocketing cost of practicing “infinite retention” of data. Before we talk about the cost of being so retentive though, let’s understand why we are driven to over-retain
In this case, the CIM system is an additional cost to the company as an operating expense...However, there is what is called “cost avoidance,” which is a cost that is avoided by purchasing the new system
Because every now and then I have to defend the "cost of collaboration." That includes the cost of collaboration tools, the cost of administration and maintenance, the cost of the time people spend collaborating when they should be working, etc
Although we advanced professionals focus on cutting edge technologies, advanced hardware/software solutions, and sophisticated applications that work well in a corporate or large institution environment, the SMB companies rarely have needs for this level of system complexity and cost. They could not care less about Big Data, Open Systems Standards, Automated Classification, Cloud Architectures, and other seeming obsessions of the elite ECM/ERM crowd. What they need is cost effective workflow enabling, document imaging applications, or email archiving solutions that cost something less than the entire projected income of their organization for five years
You would access the documents by the way the system was set up for your work, which could include account number, keyword search, full-text search, etc. Your cost would be (and this will differ from vendor to vendor): The cost to set up applications such as indexing, workflow, etc
In all my time in records and governance I have learned one immutable law: records (and governance) is a cost center [in the eyes of IT]. With that said, the concept of records has to be pitched with a cost savings value. Simply, the new HR solution will drive improved efficiencies and productivity (cost savings) and the records element has to do the same
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So, why are so many companies straying from their paper nests? Factors such as cost, convenience, and security may be considered when a company is deciding whether they will convert to paperless or stick with their original form of document management. 3 reasons companies are choosing digital over paper: Cost Effectiveness On average, a cartridge of printer ink costs between $20 to $35 each
The main rewards of bringing eDiscovery in-house are very clear: saving cost and controlling risks...Part of the legal review can then be done with in-house or off-shore, low-cost contract attorneys
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