It is an obvious step to getting drawings ready for scanning, however, there could be many steps required to prep a large format drawing...As long as it doesn’t tear while scanning you should be good
We have both been involved in the “large format” industry. It’s amazing that with so much experience how you can still teach each other about the tricks and tips
When imaging large-format documents, we know it’s typically a TIFF G4, JPG or PDF format
During the last few projects of scanning engineering drawings, there have been subtle reminders about some techniques I learned over 15 years ago
A few months ago, I recall a dialog thread on the issue of renaming scanned images. The question was should you rename your image files?
She owns and runs Graphic Imaging Services, a scanning service provider and has extensive knowledge of both large-format scanning and GIS. She’s been kind enough to share her expertise on large-format scanning in this community, and previously in the pages of AIIM E-DOC Magazine and Infonomics
The announcement of the ISIS Drivers for large format scanning prompted the large format scanner manufacturers to ask about the ability to automate cleanup. To date, that is not a feature for these software products and large format drawings. What I want to address is how do you do Quality Control with large format drawings
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