It’s labeling a control number on each large format document. It’s done during document preparation...The labels were applied to each drawing during document prepping
As anyone begins looking to implement imaging, it is an automatic understanding that a document file will typically be a single file with multiple pages, possibly with sections to separate the documents. For most of us, however, when you look at large format documents, it becomes a real dilemma. When imaging large-format documents, we know it’s typically a TIFF G4, JPG or PDF format
If you are renaming the file based on the “indexed information, you will need to rename the file “after” you have index the document. This is an added step in the process
With the large format documents, there are the obvious steps and then there are those we tend to overlook...Indexing – Forms processing does NOT exist for large format document documents. The information is never in the same location
At first, it was more about the conversion of scanned images to vector data (that would be like OCRing a document but for an engineering drawing)
Throughout my years in the Document Management Industry, I kept hearing about how great the quality of the images were, but did anyone actually verify the quality?
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