For anyone keeping score these days, the market for social business software, especially enterprise collaboration, is heating up...However, the real push is coming from a rapidly growing number of pure-plays like Yammer , Jive Software and Lithium
Like Salesforce, Tibco Software understands the proper role for social tools as they have demonstrated with an integrated, middleware esque approach with Tibbr
In contrast, project management software vendors like Clarizen are extending into the broader social collaboration market
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As far as I know, the phrase “Social Business Imperative” comes from the CEO of Jive Software, Tony Zingale (you can see a great slide deck of his on this topic here ). But the idea certainly seems to also underpin any number of Jive competitor products – Moxie Spaces, SocialText, Cisco, Leverage Software, etc., etc. The idea of the social business is gaining attention and software makers are fighting to corner the market on the idea for their own product
There's no doubting the impact that "social" technologies and (perhaps more importantly) concepts have had/are having on our approach to business and IT, but we are perhaps now finally starting to see the gloss coming off the term, with software vendors starting to shy away from defining themselves as enabling "social" business
7 Comments - The reality is that companies that make serious use of social software have probably only just begun to do so seriously, and will adopt slowly and cautiously
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