Hello, and welcome to my first, introductory post in my new blog here on AIIM. My name is Angela Ashenden, and I am a Principal Analyst at UK-based research and advisory firm MWD Advisors , where I run our Collaboration research program. While collaboration is a broad and nebulous topic,...
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Welcome to my new AIIM blog. Before I get into our main subject, I'd quickly like to introduce myself, and what I hope to achieve while writing for the AIIM community. My name is Serge Huber. I am the co-founder and CTO of Jahia Solutions , a company started in Switzerland and that...
I’m excited to begin blogging on AIIM’s new SharePoint community site. I have long been a fan of AIIM and have participated as an AIIM Ambassador and class attendee. I’m grateful for this opportunity to interact with a large community of experts, administrators, users and...
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