Recently, the term Information Valuation popped-up in various leading industry reports and in a few blogs, but the term is so new, there isn’t even a Wikipedia entry for it yet (as of June 11th, 2010)!
Such a strategy should include policy and retention management, content analytics for automatic information archiving, classification and valuation, exploratory search, eDiscovery (EDRM process) support, defensible and enforced quality control, methodologies and audits, but also meta-data, security and storage management. This also explains the increasing interest in and reports on Enterprise Information Archiving, information valuation, and information governance, in general, by organizations such as Gartner (see Enterprise Information Archiving Transforms the Strategy and Approach for Archiving by Kenneth Chin and Sheila Childs, G00201236) and various other analysts
I am sure that many of my blogging colleagues will also pick this up, if they have not already done so. Yesterday, I found this great article in Forbes on the final solution for the email dilemma: . Yes, we...
If you are ready to accept that your own universe of enterprise information is growing to “infinity and beyond” and in need of being conquered to avoid "eDiscovery 3D", you can find several real-world tips here:
You will need to apply Information Valuation principles and remove irrelevant and redundant information
Before joining Zasio, Frank gained extensive experience in the financial services sector by working as a financial modeling trainer on Wall Street, where he partnered with several multinational investment banks to train their new-hire analysts and associates in financial statement analysis, best-practice valuation methodologies, capital markets, M&A deal structuring, and financial forecasting
NB: I’m using “information” in an all-encompassing context in this post so that I don’t have to differentiate between data, content, and information. Information is a tool; no one buys a tool for the sake of the tool. People buy tools for what can be produced with...
3 Comments - However, this doesn't excuse the need to formally value information as part of any responsible governance or similar process - I think it just necessitates that any valuation needs to be general in nature
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