The frauds mandated good governance to keep them in check...Middle East does not find itself with the luxury of time to travel through the transition of paper-based information governance to digital information governance as most matured markets have
I think that email use is declining for some reasons well known: lack of security, lack of contextualization, bad manners of users, lack of control (spamming) and I am convinced that the corporate social media is a relevant alternative for a professional and efficient business communication!
This previous post was about the need for holism in information governance. This post brings up topics that you’ll have to deal with in defining holistic information governance. (I think I’ll refer to these as PHIG s - Principles of Holistic Information Governance). This isn’t going to be exhaustive or ultra-detailed; it’s just a list to guide where you need to pay attention
I want to expand a bit on my previous post and start with an overview of governance in the social media era
Over the last few weeks some pretty bright minds have been talking / writing about what Information Governance (IG) is and isn’t
Mobile and the cloud are not the enemy of information governance. The only bad cloud or mobile environment for records and information is the one that is not governed
To some, information governance (IG) is a mushy term that isn't quite real
People are always asking "Where should I start with my SharePoint governance planning?" My answer is never as satisfying as they would hope -- it depends
Key components and tenets of information life-cycle management apply to information governance/electronic records management. All of these remain important in the information governance arena. (I’m going to use data, information and records interchangeably here): 1
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If your users are involved and happy with the CIM system they will spread the word (see #5 below). Plan for Security . Simply put, security is most likely better in a cloud application than it is at your office but many people have a difficult time believing that cloud security is up to the task. Passwords can be applied to both folders and files, strong passwords can be enforced, users can be designated as view or edit – in other words, CIM security is equal to your security in most cases
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