How is the recovery going for everyone after the Info 360 conference? It was awesome to meet many of you in person, and to catch up with old friends
I spent most of this week at the Info360 conference in Washington, DC. I presented at a few breakout sessions, moderated a bunch of expo floor panels, saw a couple of presentations, and had some great conversations throughout the three days I was there…and as the icing on the cake, I not...
After spending 3+ days at the AIIM Conference/Info360 event in Washington, DC, my brain is clogged with all kinds of interesting nuggets! Here are but a few of the more intriguing story lines that stuck following my ECM Practitioner class, my series of show-floor briefings, and my...
Yesterday afternoon, I gave a presentation at Info360. This is the 12 th time I have attended this conference, and the sixth time I have been a presenter. We have been informed that this is the final year the show will include a reference to AIIM Expo. Yeah, yeah, the show was sold to Questex a...
When attending a show like Info360, I hope to take away a few nuggets that make me reconsider the world I work in. The keynotes and sessions I attended covered a lot of ground, but here are three things that have kept my head spinning. I have to apologize to the people who made these remarks. I...
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