Economies of scale: Cloud processing Document Capture technology has been available for many years and is a proven method to decrease operational costs and improve business efficiency
By “top”, I mean the most common and most important. Process tasks: In the above example – “Money Out” in financial services -- typical tasks may include client input, initial processing, receipt into correct function, acceptance as IGO (in good order). Primary metric: A great metric is the NIGO (not in good order) rate – and you’ll be redesigning your forms process to reduce NIGO rates. Primary cost driver that you intend to change as a result of improving the process: the cost of NIGOs
Many companies rely on a combination of automatic pattern recognition technology and manual data processing. Even with automated forms processing, bad data can get through
Harvey Spencer presented Automate, Automate, Automate: Bridging the Gap Between Capture and Process. Traditionally capture has been centered around automating paper based processes at the front-end of business systems and eliminating key entry. As with many of the back-end systems, it has been batch-oriented and thought of as a โfront-endโ or โfirst-stepโ separated from the processes that it feeds
All of it increases in value when you understand how one document relates to another, to the people who use it, and to the processes it drives. The objective is to improve quality and maximize business process efficiency. It is imperative to collect information accurately to benefit the business needs. Do this by process analysis and utilizing functional data collection tools
While this seems like a simple thing to do, it is also a change in the way the organization conducts business and how content enters its processes. Where once a loan application was completed on a paper form, and passed through to a bank representative, now the consumer can apply online using an electronic form which then is the trigger for the review and approval process
In the best case scenario, there are a plethora of forms to fill out, secondary documentation to provide, and days of processing time required
Here's a short and simple introduction to e-forms . I often use something like it to help clarify all the different types, use cases, applications, vendors, and products associated with electronic forms. If you don't do some basic disentangling at the beginning of an e-forms project, you're...
This is a hallmark example of a bad process that should probably not be converted to an electronic one
Costs: postage(x2), check handling, bank deposit, copy, receipt and processing. The application is processed and a numbered permit is issued to each vehicle
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