It hardly seems worth the fuss? If all firewall-dwelling professionals did in the information-seeking moments of their work days was to consume content, why bother with firewalls? After all, after hours when we leave our real jobs we beat our networking wings in order to swell the...
So many times, we jump into the process because it seems so simple. Until you get into the groove and actually use the data, many of us don’t really understand our own needs. With the large format documents, there are the obvious steps and then there are those we tend to overlook. ...
Throughout my years in the Document Management Industry, I kept hearing about how great the quality of the images were, but did anyone actually verify the quality? Many vendors talked about how their software can automate the quality assurance process by implementing various processes while...
Distinguished Service Award (2011) recipient Lisa A. Desautels has been instrumental in the creation and growth of AIIM Nevada. She owns and runs Graphic Imaging Services, a scanning service provider and has extensive knowledge of both large-format scanning and GIS. She’s been kind enough to...
A few months ago, I recall a dialog thread on the issue of renaming scanned images. The question was should you rename your image files? My initial response is “why would you do that?” In this case, it was assumed the renaming was to “label” the file to make it easier...
During the last few projects of scanning engineering drawings, there have been subtle reminders about some techniques I learned over 15 years ago. Whether you are a service bureau or doing a project in-house, I find this one simple task to keep your images in control, no matter the size of the...
Last week I had the fortunate opportunity to work Fred Pagoni from Colortrac, a colleague for over 15 years. We have both been involved in the “large format” industry. It’s amazing that with so much experience how you can still teach each other about the tricks and tips. We all find...
As anyone begins looking to implement imaging, it is an automatic understanding that a document file will typically be a single file with multiple pages, possibly with sections to separate the documents. For most of us, however, when you look at large format documents, it becomes a real dilemma....
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