You could extend or amplify that with folders, but sadly they were also limited to 8 character names. Still, intelligent people could pack a lot into those 8 characters
While there is a lot of freely available information online related to electronic document naming conventions, most (if not all) of these best practices and guidelines come from educational institutions, governments, records and information management organizations, and other non-profit/public sector institutions. Sadly missing are industry-specific document naming guidelines from established companies in the private/corporate sector, such as legal or accounting firms
The article is nothing but FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) being spread by an on-premises content management provider (props for dropping Gartner, Forrester, and AIIM names though). As a bit of a refresher on where I stand, you might want to read this whitepaper I wrote last year (sponsored by Box, 12 pages long)
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
You would simply enter the vendor name as a keyword and then search the full text of records for matching keywords...However, what if the vendor name includes a common term that appears in the contents of many other records?
Some of the vendors have been more successful than others, but I don’t think it’s germane at this point to come up with a list of winners and losers as the market (whatever its true name ought to be) is still fairly nascent
Sure, you can print to it, and it makes copies (hence the name), but how many truly use its scan functions for all they’re worth?
Think of Index Fields that accurately describe what the file contains like “Vendor Name”, “Invoice Number” and “Invoice Amount” for Accounts Payable or employee identifiers like “Name” Date of Birth” and “Employee ID Number” for Human Resources
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