It may be initially appealing, but without the organization’s Information Technology executives completely owning the environment and its governance, customization, and federation strategy it will be a long-term failure and future migration project (from the external cloud into an internally hosted Private Cloud)
Regular users are routinely "pitched" by official internal communications staff to post content because they have a greater readership?
The Challenge of Internal Communications I recently joined a local roundtable group here in Seattle made up of business leaders focused on the challenges of internal business communications. In preparing for our first meeting the organizers asked that we each name our most pressing internal communication challenge
The reality is that there is a lot of dysfunction in information processing and in communication both internally and externally to the organization (customer service, customer relations, claims management, HR services.. etc.,)
I’ve seen way too many internal launch emails that sound something like this: “Visit our new website, the one-stop shop for all your collaboration needs
So, if you're deploying social tools internally, what kind of community is your organization creating?
Disappointingly, a search for examples where teams, leagues, or college conferences are using social media to communicate and collaborate internally yields a much shorter, less relevant list . For all of the media attention that's heaped on these leagues and teams for their use (or lack thereof) of social media to communicate with fans and the media, internal collaboration amongst league and team front office staff is still ruled by phone calls, shared drives, and emails
I particularly like it because it illustrates the period many organizations find themselves in when trying to integrate social media internally. Before wikis were used by the Intelligence Community to develop reports on IEDs , people were creating user badges to show off their favorite NFL teams
Maybe some would like a more humanist explainations but the truth for many organizations (there are exceptions of course) is that they want to get the most of what thy invest in human capital 2°) Then it's about people Once a given organization understands it has to provide people with the right tools and change a couple of internal and external business practices to let their people deliver their full potential, then things become to be about people. What matter is to understand their needs, constraints and help them to adopt new ways of doing things (keeping in mind it has to comply with internal governance and be aligned with corporate goals) because it's about putting them in a situation where they can give their best in the way that's the most comfortable to them. They are the only one who decide what they give so businesses have to care a lot about sense and listen a lot. 3°) But at the end it's about employees I know that enterprise 2.0 things are not limited to employees as social business has to involve all stakeholders, either internal and external, but the fact remains : nothing works if employees refuse to play the game, what in most cases means it makes no sense to them
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