Such is the conversation around the latest social collaboration hype
Which is what your KM or collaboration tools attempt to do. The problem, though, is when you begin to introduce social platforms into the mix
My expertise is in implementing collaboration tools, building governance teams, and harnessing enterprise social networking features to create user adoption and productivity throughout the digital workplace
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Whether we talk about Systems of Engagement, collaboration, next generation intranets or Enterprise 2.0, organizations are recognizing the growth of social business applications
Social enterprise is dead
This week I received a link to an interesting post called “Social Media's Secret Weapon – Email”...Specially coming together with Social Media, and even more when I saw it called out as its secret weapon!
There is great value in the immediate, real-time connections made within the various consumer-based social platforms. Within the enterprise, however, the greater value is realized over time
Oracle is a proud sponsor of the AIIM Social Business Virtual Conference scheduled for September 8, 2011. What is a Social Business Virtual Conference?
Moving past the fervor for all things social, what you have at the foundation of any social platform is a massive amount of data -- some of it attached, associated with, in context of content within your environment, but much of it floating free, attached only to your profile (maybe) and other strings of data
Few people would argue that to be effective knowledge management must involve collaboration and engagement techniques. Using enterprise wiki, social media and other already existing tools might be an effective way to win over employees and build a reliable knowledge management environment. However, there are problems with using popular social networking and collaboration tools, be it TypePad, Twitter, YouTube, Zimbra or another “general purpose / general audience” software in a corporate environment
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