Too little information can cause issues when auditors come calling. Records management systems enable organizations to centrally, securely and electronically manage their records
In this age of email and file sharing, you would think most document security issues would be caused by breaches in an electronic document management system
In a three-part post we will take a look at the vital role of metrics in monitoring the performance of your RM program and demonstrating the ROI of your electronic records management system. It has always been a challenge for records and information management (RIM) professionals to demonstrate the value of their work to an organization. Anyone who has been working in the field for long will be familiar with the refrain, "senior management does not understand why records management is important!" In recent years, the challenge of demonstrating the value of RM has been compounded by the emergence of electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS)
A January 8 story in The New York Times shone a bright light on the perils of implementation for electronic health records. “The report was critical of the lack of guidelines around the widely used copy-and-past function…available in many of the largest EHR systems. The...
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What constitutes the “record?” Here is my non-legal (but experienced Records Management) perspective: The simple answer is that the final, complete or signed document that is evidence of a decision or transaction is the official record - and that is considered records management best practice
For many years Records Management has been built around records retention schedules, File Plans, Records Declaration, and so on
Helping users find electronic records is big challenge, regardless of whether those records are stored on a shared drive, in the cloud, or in an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS)
The legacy information content recorded on paper media will never go away completely, and any records and information management plan that ignores this body of information content only does so by allowing redundant information retention systems – one for paper and one for electronic
Introduction and Background to the Issues Planning the Next 3 Years (2011 to 2014) Planning the Next 3 Years (2014 to 2017) How to Get from 1998-Style Records Management to Information Governance for 2018 How to Calculate ROI for E-Discovery (with Calculator) A Reference Model for Systems of Engagement and Systems of Record A Content Technology Roadmap How to Succeed at Mobile Content Management 6 Key Considerations to Going Mobile Two AIIM Webinars and a Survey on Mobile Content Management Program Framework, Roadmap, and Recommendations Overall Program Strategy How to Develop and Implement your Discovery Readiness Program Which part of E-Discovery Should You Fix First?
As a non-technical resource in the information management world, it’s a difficult journey to meet the expectations of the business without upsetting the ability of the techies to deliver with the tools at their disposal. Be it a Document Management System or a Records Management System or a Collaboration System or the conventional BPM or Social BPM or Adaptive Case Management or Dynamic Case Management, they are all a change to the business user from their interactions and experiences with their current systems and processes
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