As CIOs and Chief Knowledge Officers bring tools that have been used on the Internet – blogs, wikis, microblogs, profiles – behind the firewall, they tend to expect the same results. "We'll have our own Wikipedia!" Or Facebook…or Twitter – you name it....
This post originally appeared on my blog, "Social Media Strategery." "Even with the sacred printing press, we got erotic novels 150 years before we got scientific journals." - Clay Shirky at TED Cannes in June 2010 This is one of my favorite quotes...
Last night, while flying home from the Enterprise 2.0 Conference - Santa Clara , I thought about all of the sessions I attended, the people I spoke with, the demos I watched, and I kept thinking back to something that Dawn Lacallade said in her presentation on Wednesday afternoon: ...
I like failures. I like hearing about failures and learning from them. I like hearing that other people have made the same mistakes I have and succeeded in spite of (in some cases, because of) those mistakes. I like hearing how one social strategy fails miserably in one organization yet thrives...
Voting ended last Friday, January 14th. Thanks for contributing and participating. We received an excellent number of votes and our 3 topics are in contention to be part of the agenda. You can track information about the conference through the following link: http://boston2011.e2conf...
I’m sitting down right before lunch hour, and for one last time in my life I click that Outlook icon. I have to confess this still makes me a little nervous, with the memory of those times I had 200 e-mails waiting for me, which would drag me through the morning before I could start some...
Many people will proudly say they receive 200+ e-mails a day and have back to back meetings as a sign of power and importance, even though they use a negative tone to demonstrate how much they dislike it. But think about it. My research showed it takes an average of 2 minutes to prepare...
As I walked the hallways of the office today, I learned something exciting I’d like to share. It’s about a new function available in the iPhone which can help you avoiding unwanted encounters. In fact I learned this feature is available for any smart device. Here is how it works in 10 easy...
Enterprise 2.0 Santa Clara - Nov 8 to 11 Here are my top ten trends (i.e. best practices, lessons learned and observations) having spent the past three days at the Enterprise 2.0 event in Santa Clara: There is now a wide blend of participants attending the event covering areas...
It’s been said that people who are actively engaged in social networking will live in average 25% longer lives. The main reasons identified in this study are: People who speak more openly and freely about their issues through blogs, micro-blogs, tweets, etc, feel better and...
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