I'll be speaking on this subject at 10:30 AM on March 22 during the AIIM Conference 2012. Here's a preview into what we'll be talking about together. For my session details, click here . The use of social media tools and techniques in a business context (aka, social business,...
This is not a political post! It's an analogy... so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ 1 : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 2 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism...
I was in Toronto this week and, other than the unseasonably warm weather I enjoyed, also had a great conversation with a client that crystalized some things for me about how Enterprise 2.0 methods can transform information sharing. He works for one of the Big 5 Canadian banks in retail...
In the spirit of the general cultural trend towards over-anticipation of annual events (back to school sales the first week in July, holiday music in October), I want to do my part to contribute to this overall degeneration of our patience as a society by throwing my hat in the ring for 2012...
In my last post , I talked about how HR was an area of particularly intense social media (SM) activity at the organizations I work with. I tried to describe not only why HR as a discipline is a good candidate for SM-enablement but also what SM-enabled HR might look like at an organization. ...
By now you probably heard all kinds of predictions: Google+ will take over the social space and gain Facebookers’ hearts with the new features, specially the ability to consolidate networks and manage privacy; Google+ is coming too late; Or, “what is Google+?”; among others. ...
At the Enterprise 2.0 Conference last week, Andrew McAfee raised an interesting fear. Could computers using technology like that demonstrated by IBM’s Watson, make E2.0 technologies irrelevant? He explained that he worries, albeit not much, that Watson, which beat its Jeopardy opponents by...
In the last few months I’ve been working with a number of consumer product group (CPG) and manufacturing organizations. These are verticals that traditionally have been cold on enterprise content management (ECM) because, unlike financial services, insurance, banking, or pharma—all...
Will your latest shake weight end up in a corner with the ab roller that you purchased 10 years ago? In the world of Enterprise 2.0 we have a plethora of tools that we can employ to support our organizations, but frequently we find a significant lag in their adoption. There are many...
Employees are one of most overlooked and underutilized resources available to a company. More specifically, if a company can harness the intelligence and efforts of their employees in a coordinated manner then they can create a compelling competitive advantage for their company. Enter Learning 2...
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