The rules of the road are well defined and everyone operates, the workflow that is, operates according to these rules
Once upon a time, Melissa, while pondering the use of SharePoint, asked the question, “Does it have workflow?” Her teacher answered, “Since workflow, defined in your case as the ability to move information through an organization so that a series of activities can be performed to accomplish an overall goal, the answer is yes.” Melissa smiled and asked politely, “Is is suitable for all types of workflow?” Her teacher responded, “Let me explain how I see it being used
The Square 9 AI-powered intelligent document processing platform takes the paper out of work and makes it easier to get things done with digital workflows that automate many aspects of how you work today. We make it easy by extracting information from scans or PDFs, storing documents in a searchable archive, and building digital twins of your current processes through graphical workflows. Contact 127 Church Street New Haven, CT 06510 United States #ArtificialIntelligence #DocumentManagement #DocumentCapture #OCR #dataextraction #cloud-baseddocumentmanagement #ECM #cloudECMsystems #businessintelligencesolutions #PurchaseOrderSolutions #documentmanagementsolution #Accounts Payable Automation #ProcessAutomation #accounts payable workflow #documentworkflow #approvalworkflow #ContractManagement
The other feature I love about SharePoint 2010, is the ability to run workflows at an elevated permission
Mobile Document Management Capabilities Security Set an offline expiration period for documents downloaded to mobile devices Password entry on documents or folders Accessibility Connect to on-site and cloud accounts simultaneously Sync important documents for access when there is no internet connection Keyword search documents, folders and files from your mobile device Open documents in the program of your choice to edit and save Upload new versions of documents, track version history and restore originals Add comments and notes to documents Workflow Initiate and complete workflow actions Create, review and approve workflows that require input from numerous employees Monitor task progress and completion without the need to be in the office #Records-Management #documentmanagement #ElectronicRecordsManagement #mobile
With a little research into document capture and workflow automation, many companies could save valuable time, money and real estate
I have a broad range of perspective on mobile capture, workflow, and document managements...#Capture #OCR #documentmanagement #mobilecapture #ScanningandCapture #workflow #cloudcomputing
#payables #accounts #data #payable #workflow #Automation #ElectronicRecordsManagement #Document #Capture #processing #invoice #Capture
When you’re done, you may have several lists—a hardware list, a list of data types, a “who’s involved” list and a crude workflow of how information is moving
Not kicked the tires on SharePoint Designer (SPD) Workflow | Let’s face it, SPD 2007 and workflow were and are just painful. There is still goodness there; however, with SPD 2010, things have gotten much better. Workflows are no longer constrained to only one list or library
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