This point was recently underscored as a headline-making fire at a well-known document storage warehouse sent the message loud and clear: storing paper documents creates unnecessary risks, where digital storage brings clear benefits across the board. Traditionally, long-term storage of paper documents has been thought to be the most cost-effective way to store documents that don’t need to be retrieved
3 Comments - Finding the right storage (ECM system) to house all these digitized documents is another factor - in house, SharePoint On-Prem, Office 365
Fortunately, keeping track of documents has been simplified in recent years because of more efficient document management systems that cover document scanning, file conversions, tracking, storage, and secure destruction
Not to 'process' a document per se...I'm looking for a metric on the physical storage/retrieval component...?
1 Comment - This does not represent the cost to then store that document for x number of years until it is destroyed or put in off-site storage. Nor does this include the cost to retrieve that document, copy the document or ship the document
Is storing files in a cloud storage application collaboration or is it just a smart FTP site?
Client: “We keep them in the office file cabinets for years then we send them to offsite storage.” Me: “Do you ever have to retrieve anything from offsite.”
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
In the past decade we have widened the scope of the system to include storage of mortgage files, tax forms, checks, corporate documents, member correspondence, and, ultimately, anything and everything that is generated by the business and requires retention or periodic access
This reduces that cost and risk. Storage Reduced storage cost should be in your basic document imaging ROI calculation, but it’s often not
Both at Document Capture (aka scan) time and for the Storage steps. Scan time is what I call Pillar One and Storage is what I call Pillar Four
On the tenth day of capture, my solution gave to me... 10 times 100 square feet (1000 square feet total) in storage space savings 9 less days to process the paperwork 8 thousand dollars per month saved on error reduction 7 hours saved per week to work on other things 6 month return on investment 5 multifunction devices (for distributed scanning) 4 less staffers manually keying data 3 million paper documents (to be scanned) 2 high volume production scanners And a capture solution that saved a million dollars annually. On the eleventh day of capture, my solution gave to me... 11 months of less paper clutter 10 times 100 square feet (1000 square feet total) in storage space savings 9 less days to process the paperwork 8 thousand dollars per month saved on error reduction 7 hours saved per week to work on other things 6 month return on investment 5 multifunction devices (for distributed scanning) 4 less staffers manually keying data 3 million paper documents (to be scanned) 2 high volume production scanners And a capture solution that saved a million dollars annually. On the twelfth day of capture, my solution gave to me... 12 employees’ smiling 11 months of less paper clutter 10 times 100 square feet (1000 square feet total) in storage space savings 9 less days to process the paperwork 8 thousand dollars per month saved on error reduction 7 hours saved per week to work on other things 6 month return on investment 5 multifunction devices (for distributed scanning) 4 less staffers manually keying data 3 million paper documents (to be scanned) 2 high volume production scanners And a capture solution that saved a million dollars annually
• Decreased Storage Costs - When the expense per megabyte of storage cost dollars, or several dollars, per megabyte, businesses had to make a serious decision about their choice of a data storage medium
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