In a recent blog post, we looked at several important legal considerations when storing records in the cloud . These included the question of whether electronic formats would be legally accepted as records, and also the critical issue of retaining legal control over your records in a cloud...
“Setting the Stage for Automatic Disposition” is the topic for my educational session at the ARMA Conference in San Diego Oct. 26-28. Organizations invest significant human and financial resources in developing and updating record retention schedules. What I don’t see is a...
As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The AIIM team sure did save the best for last. And no, I’m not just saying that because I was a Day 3 presenter! I’d like to share with you key takeaways from the sessions I was able to attend - Day 3. Opening...
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I just gave a talk on defensible disposition at AIIM 2014, and here are the main points (and my slide deck). Let me know if you have questions โ happy to address them. I spend almost no time on the problem of over-retention โ 90% of what I say here is about the solution. But the problem of...
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The good news if you are planning email management (EMM) for ensured retention and defensible disposition is that you don’t need to be perfect – you don’t have to perfectly satisfy your retention demands. You do need to use the Principle of Reasonableness and act In Good...
Over the past few years, we have focused quite a bit on how to control electronic content. Many organizations have purchased robust e-discovery, email archive and document management solutions, hoping to #ControltheChaos . However, it hasn’t worked and quite frankly the situation has just...
Join Rich on April 3 at 11 in Orlando as he discusses defensible disposition during his AIIM 2014 Conference presentation . Most organizations hoard and fail to destroy their piles of files in a legally defensible manner when business and law allow. How do you tackle the monster problem of over...
Over the last couple of days I’ve seen/heard some comments that Big Buckets don’t work well in Records Management. Uhm, you’re doing it wrong. I suspect that a large part of the issue is that classification models are too granular and too tightly coupled to the retention...
Fall is about to arrive and with it, in New England comes the turning of leaves. The hillsides burst into a dazzling array of color prompting tourists to arrive in cavalcades. Content, too, should likewise have it's season, a highly defined season, one that you could set your tourism...
Please don't call me a Records Keeper. I hate that title. Hate it, hate it, hate it. You can train a monkey to be a Records Keeper. In fact, if your consultant identifies himself as a Records Keeper, fire him and hire a monkey. The monkey will work for bananas and they're hilarious...
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