Are Digital Signatures legal? “I just have to ask, are digital signatures legal?
Digital Signatures are forever?...Like a pen and ink signature (a “wet signature”), a digital signature cannot be remotely controlled
3 Comments - The problem is that while the act of signing remains valid post-signature, it is quite likely that the signature will not continue to be validatable (is that even a word?)
Digital Signatures at the Edge …the “network edge,” that is
Digital Signatures projects are successes As we all know from personal experience, most IT projects fail to meet their expectations...The good news? Digital Signature projects tend to do well on these metrics
Digital Signatures for SharePoint Data Much of the time, “electronic signature” and “digital signature” refer to signing a document by using the computer instead of a pen. But digital signatures can also be used to sign data
Traditional signatures, wet ink on paper, are not hard to forge if you’re a forger. When there were no easy or cost-effective alternatives, wet signatures, along with their issues, was the way to go
Digital Signatures: We’re Open, They’re Closed In a prior column , I referred to “Open standard digital signature technology...What do open standards for digital signatures mean for you?
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Since I work with electronic forms daily, one of the main questions that is asked by our customers is "what about the physical paper signature?". Since going paperless means not making paper, here are 8 reasons why you should abandon paper signatures forever. 1. The law is on your side Digital signatures are as legally binding as a physical, hand-written signature in every circumstance where a signature is required
But back to digital signatures… I was asked to give a six minute presentation on digital signatures and SharePoint at the conference. My theme? That digital signatures will be your most successful SharePoint project
I’ll be talking about workflow, SharePoint workflow, and digital signatures in an AIIM Webinar on March 12th, “SharePoint Workflows + Digital Signatures: No more paper, Fast ROI
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