We are about to rewrite the process by which we request checks for vendors who still send us invoices. The new process is going to reside in SharePoint...#ScanningandCapture #sharepoint #scan #process #borndigital #SharePoint
Profile your candidate processes and then fit to the right kind of BPM tool
When combined with recognition technologies, this information could also be processed and used as metadata, etc
The paperless office is where we are headed and this leveraging of mobile technology is a prime example of how we need to think of evolving our business process to not be stuck in the past
There's tremendous ROI potential by starting with elimination of needless paper bottlenecks from simple processes. Slick apps, customer communities and mobile/social websites are awesome
Then there is the process factor. It is great to go digital, but are the supporting processes suited to these changes both internally and with external players
The simple way to describe this is to call it “digitization” – there are a lot of steps required in the digitization process. Some are subtle, but critical to the overall success of extracting the desired information from the page
The problem has emerged, Mancini argues, largely as a result of the lack of focus on people and processes in the last two decades
Digital Signatures Keep Processes Electronic from Start to Finish on November 15; 2 British Time For our European audience (anyone is, of course, welcome to attend), John will be our speaker during this event
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Free downoad of the PDF: http://bit.ly/ECM-trilingual #enterprise content management #Records-Management #ECM #EnterpriseContentManagement #WCM #Store #BPM #web content management #documentmanagement #BusinessProcessManagement #ElectronicRecordsManagement #Capture #enterprise2.0 #ECM2.0 #Collaboration #Web Content Management #Collaboration #DigitalBusiness #Deliver #Preserve #workflow #manage #business process management
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