I was at a cloud conference last week and “security” was again a top issue for both attendees and developers
5 Comments - I have often found folks in IT Security & RIM to be too quick to say "no you can't do that"...Oh yes, this happens more than you know. Cloud security needs to be checked, verified and monitored just like anything
It relieves organizations of the risks involved with storage and security of paper or microfilm documents, yet it is often forgotten that there are security steps which need to be taken after documents and data have been shifted to the Cloud
However, businesses should approach this trend strategically, primarily because of possible issues related to security and privacy...Quite expectedly, too many privacy and security risks could arise from inability to control corporate data flow
The second insight showed that the principal obstacles to moving to the cloud remain the same: availability, security and data loss. In regards to security, 80% of organizations were not considering a move to Office 365 because of the security issue and vulnerability of eMail in the cloud
As the both government and individuals accelerate the movement of information to the cloud, major breaches and concerns mount over information vulnerability and ownership, and their risk to security, privacy and operations
But 67% of the officials did not move ahead on the proposal due to one reason – security. IT security is one of the growing concerns among public sector companies
I’m sure there are many legitimate concerns and issues but I would like to focus on the concern of security for the purpose of this blog post...What is debated, and is a reasonable discussion, is the viability of "the cloud" from a security standpoint
These are facts and they are little shocking: · 45% of the content people need to do their jobs is pulled out of your systems of record and worked on independently – outside your security controls
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You’re out of your mind if you think blocking access to file sharing services is filling a security gap. You’re out of your mind if you think making people jump through hoops like Citrix and VPNs to get at content is secure
If your users are involved and happy with the CIM system they will spread the word (see #5 below). Plan for Security . Simply put, security is most likely better in a cloud application than it is at your office but many people have a difficult time believing that cloud security is up to the task. Passwords can be applied to both folders and files, strong passwords can be enforced, users can be designated as view or edit – in other words, CIM security is equal to your security in most cases
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