What is the key difference between Mobile Content Management & “normal” Content Management?
Yesterday (May 30, 2016) I read this article which contends that Box, Dropbox, and others are not content management platforms
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Thinking about moving to the cloud or establishing a cloud information management system can be both exciting and nerve racking
In the Enterprise Content Management ( ECM ) world content can exist in several places and multiple formats simultaneously
In terms of migrating files, if you have 10 users on the site, will the content already be migrated and available to them at startup or will you be asking them to upload their own files?
Why all the interest all of a sudden about putting content “in the cloud”?...So is the time right for content to be managed in the cloud?
That a lot of rogue content access!...Content on mobile devices – If an employees mobile device is lost or stolen or an employee is terminated, can company content be wiped?
In this AIIM13 Q&A, we talk about how to say “no” to the Department of No; how the workplace is changing because of BYOD (and bring your own cloud); what's next in enterprise content management; and a projection that private clouds are going to be big in 2013
Three basic content migration strategies are: 1...There may not be any other formal migration of content by IT or mass migration of content into the site. 2
The SharePoint environment evolves too quickly to synch with and govern SharePoint content by exporting it from SharePoint. SharePoint wins as it increases the percentage of content that organizations store and collaborate on that is contained in in SharePoint
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