One of the best parts of participating in the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) sessions is the opportunity to discuss big ideas and, let's be honest -- to also dig into rumor and speculation about what we'll see in the near (and distant) future from the major platform and OEM players that make up the backbone of the ECM space. While my day job revolves primarily around the SharePoint stack, my personal and professional interests often abstract above that to topics that are of equal value to competing platforms
1 Comment - Business information and even line of business applications will start to reorganize around a knowledge organization architecture approach, with SharePoint and ECM coming in at the next layer behind collaborative engagement platforms (there's a reason Facebook didn't have a "user adoption" problem)
Can O365 Support your Organization's ECM One Company, one focus, and possibly one future for what commercial and business customers have known as Microsoft Office
I'm also a daily end user of a ton of cloud systems, so I have addressed these concerns for internal projects, as well. 1
” As I have said and written many times before, it is awfully hard to implement a system that meets your needs without first having defined what they are!
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
Der Kurs entspricht damit dem State-of-the-Art von ECM in 2015 ( ) PROJECT CONSULT, offizieller Trainingspartner der AIIM in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, bietet ab sofort die neuen Kurse an
1 Comment - -18.6.2015, Hamburg, gibt es noch freie Pl?tze im neuen AIIM ECM Master Kurs (K41):
Clients have been listening to those of us who make our livings by “doing ECM” for far too long...We’re all afraid to step back and admit that we ballsed it up, big time. ECM was a good idea at the time
Microsoft's move into the enterprise content management space, and in particular their decision to include free SharePoint client licences with Microsoft Enterprise Agreements, poses a huge threat to Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system vendors
Are you looking into cloud information management (CIM) systems and getting confused?...This type of site may be viewed as a light-weight document management system and may also offer integration with other applications via an API
The building blocks of ECM Look at ECM as a discipline. There are the common aspects of scan , store and retrieve – the backbone of many simple ECM solutions. But increasingly, there are other important elements to consider such as process (or workflow), measurement (audit, performance and compliance) and integration with other systems
6 Comments - Dave, OK - if we're talking about SaaS ECM (if we can agree that this means multi-tenant ECM in the Cloud) then there are less players - SpringCM and Alfresco being the leaders in my opinion
We truly are in the first innings and, in particularly, as it relates to Capture and ECM moving to the cloud
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