A short entry for this week: As a continuation of the “going digital” discussion – it is advantageous to work toward a scenario in which not only internal business processes are converted to digital record-keeping environments whenever possible, but in which information received by the organization from third parties (service providers, partners, customers) - is received digitally as well. This typically requires that contracts with third parties service providers stipulate the provision of trustworthy digital rather than hard-copy records – unless there is a specific requirement to receive and/or retain hard copy. The receipt of electronic records – in lieu of paper - enables the quick incorporation of records received from outside parties into an organization’s digital records system, without having to first digitize received paper
Sadder still, if I put my campaign hat on is the fact that the facility will be storing documents that were born digital. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t say that in the article, but think about it
SharePoint doesn't care if this information was " born digital " or created in the traditional paper based world. When that information is “born” in a paper based format SharePoint needs a little help to get the information from “ Paper to Digital ” format
Here we go again, another state agency, this time in New Hampshire, has raised the challenge of email management and was highlighted in the May 9, 2010 post on the UnionLeader.com . In this article, we are shown that there is what appears to be a major discrepancy and inconsistency in the...
The future of information capture will go far beyond the traditional Enterprise Content Management (ECM) perspective of scanning paper and importing documents that were born digital . The future of Capture will span every data stream you touch and the every stream that touches you
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