With the rise of social media and technology usage increasing on a daily basis, we are expending a very large amount of personal and behavioral data in our everyday life, which has a very meaningful impact on our lives as well as the economy. The term Big Data is being thrown around everywhere...
While Big Data remains a key talking point for many organisations, the launch of AIIM’s recent industry report into ‘Big Content’ goes to highlight that the next information trend is always on the horizon. So what exactly is Big Content, and where should it fit in to your organisation’s...
Are you sweet on big data? Sour? Big data isn't just a buzzword du jour -- it's here to stay. And while the current emphasis is still too-often on the gee-whiz aspects of the technology (which, admittedly, are amazing); as always it's what this particular technology can do for you...
An AIIM 2013 sneak peek at what you’ll be seeing at AIIM 2013. Enjoy, and follow #AIIM13 and @AIIMcon for all of the latest news and noise about next year’s event. I'll be speaking on Thursday, March 21 at 3:00 PM. Join me for: From Records Management to...
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The current General Records Schedule (GRS) from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is based on subjects and document types/format. Earlier this week NARA released a proposal that they are restructured the GRS and taking a big bucket approach. The new GRS approach will...
The management of an organization's records is supposed to reflect business process. Proper records management will support a business process so that a record will never be destroyed while it is still needed. It will also make it cost effective to find a record in the instance of e...
Over the past couple of years I have come to the realization that with the many changes taking place in our industry there is a new “State of the Art” in Records Management. This change has come about because of new market drivers combined with new vendor solutions in response to...
After writing the last blog on The Ocean of Big Data and its seeming repetition of past Data Warehousing implementation issues and challenges, I decided to further “educate” myself. Who knows, maybe you actually can teach an old dog new tricks! So, I re-read John Mancini’s ...
We have all heard the phrase “That’s like trying to boil the ocean.” We hear this phrase when it appears we are trying to do too much and are probably going to fail as inadequate manpower, resources, and budget slowly erode any real achievement of goals. Projects that are ...
The following are a few tips from AIIM analyst Doug Miles about getting started with Big Data and Big Content. The excerpt is from AIIM’s new Industry Watch -- Big Data - Extracting Value from your Digital Landfill . Download the report for free . Although the term “big data” is...
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