Last week I posted an *early, unused draft* visualizing an approach to the difference between legal citations and best practices. Hi, my name is Mimi, and I am obsessed with improving retention schedule design
Form follows function. Except if you're talking about how most enterprises organize their knowledge assets. From an information management perspective, form is location, document format, default metadata, inherited properties. Function is engagement levels, people, expertise, and...
In my posts for this blog, I regularly reference my practice of speaking with organisations to identify best practices that I can share with organisations that are just setting out on their social collaboration journey, and so this month I thought I'd share some highlights of one of the case studies that I've published
For each criterion within these categories, we scored each firm on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is poor, 3 is average, and 5 is excellent). The Best Practices Below I outline 14 best practices in financial services for the major stages of the content lifecycle. Each of the best practices is being successfully implemented by at least one of the evaluated firms – but no evaluated firm is implementing all of them yet
Whether you rely on the workflow you get with an ECM suite or on the heavier functionality of a BPM product, I recommend these 7 best practices. Some of them may be new to you – like how you should plan to fail, avoid razzle dazzle, and apply the 3 Year Rule. 1
We try to put all of these in practice at LincWare as often as possible...In truth, the forwarding party was not the intended audience. Practice some restraint, even if the lack of it is the sole reason for Google’s world dominance. 4
The intention here is not to give you step-by-step instructions but more of an overview and a series of checklists, along with some best practices. The most obvious reason to upgrade is that you need some of the new features in SharePoint 2010
So why don’t we make information hoarding the best practice? If hoarding becomes the strategy, what would our tactics be?
Overview of Key SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Methodologies and Best Practices Over the past 10+ years (as I will try note to date myself too much), back when I started working with SharePoint 2001, back when it was code-named Tahoe in late 2000, alongside of "Project Central" (which would later become Project Server 2002), there have been identifiable and "repeatable processes" that I have seen work time and time again regardless of the size of the organization or the business vertical the company may be in. As I have worked alongside my colleagues at EPC Group (as they are really the ones that have helped perfect and rework these elements and I just get to take the credit here on AIIM's blog) in our SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 consulting practices, we have taken these "identifiable and repeatable processes" to drive the underlying methodologies, strategies and lessons learned that have stemmed directly from these initiatives executed within organizations of all sizes and from all business
Purpose of Article The purpose of the document is to outline EPC Group best practice recommendations from an “In the Trenches” SharePoint Consulting perspective for Enterprise SharePoint 2010 Environments. I have also included supportable limitations outlined by Microsoft as well as best practice information that pertains to SharePoint Server 2010
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