What is Input Management? Until recently, I thought that I knew the answer to this question but if I put the search term into Google, just about every “definition” ends up referring to scanners. Fair enough, I know that the term was first coined as a marketing tool about 10 years ago by a...
Due to the constantly increasing legal retention periods for electronic data, more and more government organizations and enterprises have to deal with old electronic archives from which the original manufacturer can be anything from being acquired to the absence of technical support for an older...
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By Mary Mack Recently, a new email-archiving challenge has arrived: as regulatory retention periods only get longer, many of these time frames are now longer than the average technical life of most commercial email archiving and enterprise information archiving solutions. As a result, one...
This post explains how to break the tape habit. We’re surprised at how many organizations use backup tapes as archives, to ensure that they are living up to their regulatory compliance and legal “duty to preserve” obligations. Your organization may be one of them. But...
When we talk about retention periods with respect to ECM and ERM, we are usually focused on process. “ How do we establish the period? ” “ What happens at the end of the period? ” “ Can we establish a legal hold? ” What about when there is no period? Or, what...
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Question: What do 3½ -inch floppy disks and microfilm scanners have in common? Answer: Both are technologies that have been overtaken by events. It happens all the time: a new technology is invented to better support a particular need, it generates much buzz and often...
One of the nice things about having tracked the use of process and information technology for so many years is that my contempt for gaudy headlines and showy marketeering is something that I have come by honestly. There is plenty of revolutionary talk that I do believe in, such as the buzz...
Here’s the first sneak peek at what you’ll be seeing at AIIM 2013. Enjoy, and follow #AIIM13 and @AIIMcon for all of the latest news and noise about next year’s event. Digital Hoarding – Leading the Intervention Amber Simonsen, PMP Executive Project Manager Pierce Transit ...
When starting to think about “the cloud” I have to say that it feels a little bit like preparing for a debate. If you hand me my stance of "pro" or "anti" I could probably make a good argument on either side. But I would be approaching it like a politician, meaning I’d be looking at all of the...
These words by Mason Cooley ring incredibly true when it comes to managing content in our organizations. An all too common conversation that happens in my appointments with clients is: Me: “So how do you manage your documents today?” Client: “We keep them in the office file cabinets...
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